select tab2.year year, tab2.pol pol, tab2.file_number file_number, sum( CLAIMS, sum(tab2.medical_claims_counter) medical_claims_counter, SUM(MEDICAL) MEDICAL, SUM(medical_p-r_paid) MEDICAL_P, SUM(rehabilitation) rehabilitation, SUM(r_paid) R_PAID, SUM(compensation+non_rpt) compensation, SUM(c_amount_paid) c_amount_paid from ( select tab.year year, tab.poltyp pol, tab.file_number file_number, COUNT( CLAIMS, COUNT(tab.medical_claims_counter)medical_claims_counter, tab.injr_id injr_id, -- sum(tab.count_clm) count_clm, sum(NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_med_rsrv_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))medical, sum( NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_med_paid_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))medical_p, sum(NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_voc_rsrv_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))rehabilitation, sum( NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_voc_paid_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0)) r_paid, sum(NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_comp_rsrv_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))compensation, sum(nvl(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_nonrpt_comp_rsrv_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))non_rpt, sum(NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_comp_paid_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))c_amount_paid from ( select to_char(trunc(i.injr_dtm),'yyyy') year, -- 1 count_clm, c.injr_id injr_id, c.clm_no file_number, CASE WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'coal' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'n' THEN ' COAL' WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'voln' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'n' THEN ' COMMERCIAL' -- WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'voln' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'y' THEN ' COMMONWEALTH' -- WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'self' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'y' THEN ' COM.SELF-INS' -- WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'self' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'n' THEN ' SELF-INSURED' -- when c.cls_typ_cd = 'f' then 'USLandH' END poltyp, case when cth.clm_typ_cd = 'wagel' then c.clm_no end claims, case when cth.clm_typ_cd = 'med' then c.clm_no end medical_claims_counter from injury i, claim c, policy p, policy_period pp, claim_type_history cth, policy_attribute pa where trunc(i.injr_dtm) <= :busn_dt and c.injr_id = i.injr_id and p.plcy_no = c.plcy_no and p.mrkt_typ_cd in ('coal','voln') and p.plcy_id = pp.plcy_id and cth.injr_id = c.injr_id and cth.clm_typ_hist_eff_dtm <= :busn_dt and cth.clm_typ_hist_eff_dtm = (select max(cth1.clm_typ_hist_eff_dtm) from claim_type_history cth1 where cth1.injr_id = cth.injr_id and cth1.clm_typ_hist_eff_dtm <=:busn_dt and nvl(cth1.clm_typ_hist_end_dt,:busn_dt) >= :busn_dt) --AND pa.plcy_id = p.plcy_id -- AND pa.attr_typ_cd= 'cwlth' and pp.plcy_prd_eff_dt <= trunc(i.injr_dtm) and pp.plcy_prd_end_dt > trunc(i.injr_dtm) --and trunc(i.injr_dtm) between pp.plcy_prd_eff_dt and pp.plcy_prd_end_dt and (exists (select csh.injr_id injr_id from claim_status cs, claim_status_history csh where csh.injr_id = i.injr_id and cs.clm_sts_cd = csh.clm_sts_cd and cs.clm_sts_cd_par = 'opn' -- open claim . and trunc(csh.clm_sts_hist_eff_dt) <= :busn_dt and csh.clm_sts_hist_eff_dt = (select max(csh1.clm_sts_hist_eff_dt) from claim_status_history csh1 where csh.injr_id = csh1.injr_id and trunc(csh1.clm_sts_hist_eff_dt) <=:busn_dt and nvl(trunc(csh1.clm_sts_hist_end_dt),:busn_dt) >= :busn_dt))))tab where tab.year='1997' GROUP BY tab.year, tab.poltyp, tab.file_number, tab.injr_id union all select tab1.year year, tab1.poltyp pol, tab1.file_number file_number, COUNT( CLAIMS, COUNT(tab1.medical_claims_counter)medical_claims_counter, tab1.injr_id injr_id, -- sum(tab.count_clm) count_clm, sum(NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_med_rsrv_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))medical, sum( NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_med_paid_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))medical_p, sum(NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_voc_rsrv_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))rehabilitation, sum( NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_voc_paid_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0)) r_paid, sum(NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_comp_rsrv_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0)compensation, sum(nvl(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_nonrpt_comp_rsrv_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))non_rpt, sum(NVL(pkg_swif_clm.f_clm_comp_paid_get(tab.injr_id,:busn_dt),0))c_amount_paid from ( select to_char(trunc(i.injr_dtm),'yyyy') year, -- 1 count_clm, c.injr_id injr_id, c.clm_no file_number, CASE WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'coal' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'n' THEN ' COAL' WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'voln' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'n' THEN ' COMMERCIAL' -- WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'voln' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'y' THEN ' COMMONWEALTH' WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'self' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'y' THEN ' COM.SELF-INS' WHEN p.mrkt_typ_cd = 'self' AND pa.attr_sub_typ_cd = 'n' THEN ' SELF-INSURED' -- when c.cls_typ_cd = 'f' then 'USLandH' END poltyp, case when cth.clm_typ_cd = 'wagel' then c.clm_no end claims, case when cth.clm_typ_cd = 'med' then c.clm_no end medical_claims_counter from injury i, claim c, policy p, policy_period pp, claim_type_history cth, policy_attribute pa where trunc(i.injr_dtm) <=:busn_dt and c.injr_id = i.injr_id and p.plcy_no = c.plcy_no and to_char(trunc(i.injr_dtm),'yyyy')='2005' and p.mrkt_typ_cd in ('coal','voln','self') and pa.plcy_id = p.plcy_id -- and pa.attr_typ_cd= 'cwlth' and p.plcy_id = pp.plcy_id and pp.plcy_prd_eff_dt <= trunc(i.injr_dtm) and pp.plcy_prd_end_dt > trunc(i.injr_dtm) --and trunc(i.injr_dtm) between pp.plcy_prd_eff_dt and pp.plcy_prd_end_dt and (exists (select csh.injr_id injr_id from claim_status cs, claim_status_history csh where csh.injr_id = i.injr_id and cs.clm_sts_cd = csh.clm_sts_cd and cs.clm_sts_cd_par = 'cls' -- open claim . and trunc(csh.clm_sts_hist_eff_dt) <= :busn_dt and csh.clm_sts_hist_eff_dt = (select max(csh1.clm_sts_hist_eff_dt) from claim_status_history csh1 where csh.injr_id = csh1.injr_id and trunc(csh1.clm_sts_hist_eff_dt) <=:busn_dt and nvl(trunc(csh1.clm_sts_hist_end_dt),:busn_dt) >=:busn_dt))))tab1 where -- tab1.accident_year='2005' -- and ((medical-medical_p)+(rehabilation-r_paid)) > 0 or ((compensation-c_amount_paid)+non_rpt) > 0) GROUP BY tab1.year, tab1.poltyp, tab1.file_number, tab1.injr_id)tab2 group by tab2.year, tab2.pol, tab2.file_number